Our vessels supply all of our organs with the necessary nutrients and energy sources that are needed to maintain the body’s functions. Damage to the vessels therefore usually always results in damage to organs. With our vascular screening we can analyze the current status quo of your vascular system.

Carotid duplex
One of the most common causes for a stroke is the calcification of the carotid artery, which we want to study with this exam. If we observe plaques or calcifications, we can try to stop their progression initiating preventive measures and so prevent a cerebral infarction.
Abdominal aortic screening
The abdominal aorta has to withstand a lot of pressure in the course of life. However, the more pronounced the cardiovascular risk factors are, the faster the abdominal artery is damaged. Calcifications but also in enlargements up to an aneurysm worthy of operation can be the consequences. The problem here is that most of the time you don’t notice the changes until it’s too late. This can be prevented with an ultrasound of the aorta.
“ABI”- ankle-arm index
The so-called “intermittent claudication” is based on calcification of the leg arteries. Affected patients have to stop their walk after a certain distance, because of a reduced blood supply to the leg muscles. In a shopping street, this is usually used to look at the shop window. This is where the name “Shop window legs'” comes from. A measurement of the blood pressure in both arms and legs can indicate the beginning of this disease. If the ankle-arm index is found to be abnormal, we will carry out further examinations.
Duplex of the leg vessels
With a duplex-ultrasound of the leg vessels, we can track vessels along their course through the pelvis and sometimes into the lower legs and see whether there are relevant calcifications or obstruction there. In the case of pronounced findings with clinical complaints, the next step is usually an expansion of the affected vessels using a balloon and afterwards a stent implantation should be realized. If there is any suspicion, we will refer you to an angiologist.