Your complete risk analysis

With our extended health check-up, we can turn you upside down in one day. During the check-up you go through different blocks, which you can also use separately.

We cover a range of examinations for which you would otherwise have to visit several doctors at different locations. Since we are well networked in Frankfurt, we can arrange a quick appointment with our specialist colleagues for any examinations that go beyond the health check-up.

Depending on the risk profile, a complete check-up in our practice takes between two and three hours.

In our investigations, we focus on two areas:

On the one hand, we clarify your personal risk of developing a tumor disease and will then carry out an examination program tailored to this risk profile.

On the other hand, we concentrate on your cardiovascular risk factors in order to prevent a heart attack or stroke in good time with preventive measures.

Process of a check up

For a complete check-up in our practice, you should plan between two and three hours.

First, we will record your medical history in a detailed conversation and, based on the information available, discuss which further examinations are useful.

In order to determine your personal risk profile in more detail and to plan the further necessary examinations, a comprehensive laboratory should have been taken from you beforehand. We therefore recommend that you come by two days before the actual check-up to have your blood drawn. In principle, the laboratory test is also possible on the same day. In this case, we would discuss abnormal laboratory values with you over the phone.

After the consultation, you will go through stations with various examinations. We have divided these into blocks.

These blocks offer self-contained prevention programs with different focuses that can be carried out either individually or in full.

CARDIO-BLOCK – cardiovascular system

During our cardio check, we primarily focus on your heart. The aim is to clarify your risk of developing structural heart diseases. As for example a coronary artery disease, which can lead to a heart attack, or a dysfunction of your heart valves, which can later lead to heart failure. The side effects of high blood pressure on the heart can also be better recognized.


Echocardiography (heart ultrasound) is an elegant way of describing the function and structure of the heart. The focus here is on describing the pumping function of your left and right heart as well as checking for any wall movement disorders. We also check whether your heart valves show changes such as constrictions or incapacity to close. We proceed according to a standardized scheme and can also carry out further ultrasound examinations in case we observe abnormalities.

Ergometry with lung function

Since we can only detect indirect signs of the presence of a coronary vascular disease in the heart ultrasound, we will also perform an ergometry as part of the cardio check. If there is sufficient stress, signs of insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle can become discovered. Following the stress ECG, we will perform a lung function on you to complete the diagnosis.

ANGIO-BLOCK – vascular system

Our vessels supply all of our organs with the necessary nutrients and energy sources that are needed to maintain the body’s functions. Damage to the vessels therefore usually always results in damage to organs. The causes of the vascular damage are mostly diseases of the sugar and fat metabolism, high blood pressure and smoking.

Carotid duplex

Our brain is one of the most important organs that tolerates poor blood flow extremely poorly. One of the most common causes of a stroke is calcification of the neck vessels, which we want to clarify with this examination. If plaques or calcifications are present, drug therapy and other preventive measures can be used to stop the progression of the disease and thus prevent a cerebral infarction.

Abdominal aortic screening

The abdominal aorta has to withstand a lot of pressure in the course of life. However, the more pronounced the cardiovascular risk factors are, the faster the abdominal artery is damaged. Calcifications but also in enlargements up to an aneurysm worthy of operation can be the consequences. The problem here is that most of the time you don’t notice the changes until it’s too late. This can be prevented with an ultrasound of the aorta.

“ABI”- ankle-arm index

The so-called “intermittent claudication” is based on calcification of the leg arteries. Affected patients have to stop their walk after a certain distance, because of a reduced blood supply to the leg muscles. In a shopping street, this is usually used to look at the shop window. This is where the name “Shop window legs'” comes from. A measurement of the blood pressure in both arms and legs can give an initial indication of the presence of this disease. If the ankle-arm index is found to be abnormal, we will carry out further examinations.

Duplex of the leg vessels

With a duplex-ultrasound of the leg vessels, we can track vessels along their course through the pelvis and sometimes into the lower legs and see whether there are relevant calcifications or obstruction there. In the case of pronounced findings with clinical complaints, the next step is usually an expansion of the affected vessels using a balloon and afterwards a stent implantation should be realized. If there is any suspicion, we will refer you to an angiologist.

GASTRO-BLOCK – abdominal organs

Usually the stomach pinches when something is wrong – but unfortunately not always and sometimes it pinches too late. An ultrasound of the abdominal organs can reveal pathological changes at an early stage that you do not need to notice and that would not be discovered in a clinical examination or a blood sample.

Sonography of the spleen, pancreas and liver with biliary system

In particular, the liver as THE metabolic organ of our body has to endure a lot. It’s not just alcohol that can damage it – it can also be affected by the wrong diet or medication. Unfortunately, the liver is also an organ that suffers silently and only reports when it is often too late. Changes such as fatty liver (the first sign of damage) can be easily detected on ultrasound. The other organs of the abdominal cavity are also easily accessible to sonography and can in some cases provide conclusions about other systemic diseases.

Intestinal ultrasound

The intestine is a complete chapter in itself and is usually only easily accessible to an ultrasound examination if there are complaints. Therefore, we will primarily only perform an intestinal ultrasound if there are corresponding complaints. Inflammation of the large intestine or infectious diseases can often be shown here.

NEPHRO-BLOCK – genitourinary system

The kidneys take over the detoxification and control of the body’s fluid and salt balance. If they can no longer perform these tasks, then the blood must be mechanically cleaned of toxins as part of dialysis. But functions that are not so obvious, such as influencing blood pressure, are also taken over by them.

Sonography of the kidneys and urinary bladder

The ultrasound examination of the kidneys provides information on direct structural damage to the kidneys such as stones, inflammatory changes, relevant cysts or tumors, but also on systemic diseases such as long-standing high blood pressure.

Prostate Screening

With increasing age, the volume of the prostate can multiply. These enlargements of the prostate can then lead to problems when urinating. Together with a determination of the PSA value, the ultrasound examination provides a good possibility of diagnostic differentiation from malignant changes in the prostate. As part of the screening for prostate carcinoma, the PSA determination and sonography are very important for us to detect a tumor in good time.