To prevent is better than to cure – we all know this famous sentence by the doctor Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (1762-1836). He makes it clear that prevention is an important component of medicine. Doctors should not only heal, but help their patients to prevent or avoid diseases. At our practice, the entire team places special emphasis on preventive health care. We will keep drawing your attention to it and reminding you of it on a regular basis.
Of course, preventive health care is also an important issue for the health insurance funds. They offer health screening for early detection of diabetes, heart problems or kidney disease. Risks and previous exposures are assessed in order to detect diseases at an early stage. These check-ups vary depending on the age group.
Check up 18 – 34 years:
Unfortunately, in this stage of life, the health insurance only covers the costs of a preventive health check-up once. This check-up includes the following services:
- Anamnesis, family anamnesis, i.e. we talk about your medical history
- Checking of the vaccination status
- physical examination
- Blood pressure control
- In case of a positive family history, overweight or high blood pressure: control of blood lipid values and blood sugar.
Based on the results of the examination, your attending doctor will advise you on what good things you can do for your health in the future to prevent illness.
Check up from 35 years on:
From the age of 35, the health insurance (unfortunately only) covers the costs of a health check-up every three years.
This check-up then includes the following services:
- Anamnesis, family anamnesis, i.e. we talk about your medical history
- Checking of the vaccination status
- physical examination
- Blood pressure control
- In case of a positive family history, overweight or high blood pressure: control of blood lipid values and blood sugar.
- Blood: We determine cholesterol levels and blood sugar
- Urine sample
Based on the results of the examination, your attending doctor will advise you on what good things you can do for your health in the future to prevent illness.
Check-up for private patients and self-payers:
Independently of this statutory preventive check-up, we offer an extended check-up for private patients and self-payers. This consists of a blood sample, in which essentially a blood count, thyroid, liver and kidney values, many other metabolic parameters, a protein electrophoresis, the electrolytes, the iron status, the vitamin status if required and, if indicated, the targeted screening for other diseases are taken. Furthermore, this check includes the following:
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland
- Ultrasound of the neck vessels
- Ultrasound of the heart
- Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (kidneys, spleen, liver, biliary system, pancreas, urinary tract, lymph node status)
- Ultrasound of the abdominal vessels (abdominal aorta and its large outgoing vessels)
- Prostate in the case of male patients
- If required, screening examination of the leg vessels
- Stress ECG
- Pulmonary function test
- Targeted further examinations if required
- Final report on the findings